Technical Knowledge GR


Technical Knowledge Ουρία Το Ουρικό Άζωτο δεν προσλαμβάνεται από τα φυτά. Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση να απορροφηθεί από τη ρίζα και να αξιοποιηθεί από την καλλιέργεια η Ουρία είναι να μετατραπεί σε Αμμωνία. Η μετατροπή αυτή γίνεται γρήγορα στις υψηλές θερμοκρασίες του καλοκαιριού και με ιδιαίτερα αργό ρυθμό στις χαμηλές, που επικρατούν το χειμώνα. Λόγω αυτής της …

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Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate

Technical Knowledge Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate (ASN) is the most efficient fertilizer in modern agriculture, which produces the highest yields. Designed to provide targeted nutrition and high yields, it combines in an ideal ratio (3:1) the extended availability Ammoniacal (ΝΗ4) and rapid effect of Nitric Nitrogen (ΝΟ3) with the multiple agricultural benefits of …

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Calcium Ammonium Nitrate

Technical Knowledge Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Calcium Ammonium Nitrate is a high-quality top-dressing fertilizer that combines in an ideal ratio (50:50) the two assimilable Nitrogen forms with the Calcium. Nitric Nitrogen (NO3) is immediately absorbed by the roots, covering the current needs of the crops, while the Ammoniacal Nitrogen (ΝΗ4) is absorbed gradually, offering sufficient nutrition …

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Ammonium Nitrate

Technical Knowledge Ammonium Nitrate The standard for the evaluation of Nitrogen fertilizers is their capacity to supply plants with absorbable forms of Nitrogen and to promote the quantitative and qualitative features of production. Ammonium Nitrate are the predominantly Nitrogen fertilizers which have been developed so as to ensure this requisite as much as possible. Therefore, …

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